NSD at Taipei Int'l Industrial Automation 2014
Aug. 29 , 2014
NSD Corporation is now participating at Taipei Int’l Industrial Automation Exhibition 2014!
You must see with your own eyes to find out our ABSOCOUPLER® (Non Contact & Wireless Temperature & Power Transfer) and ABSOCODER® (Absolute Rotay Encoder)!
Date: Aug. 27 – 30 (Wed – Sat)
Aug. 27-29 9:00am - 5:00pm Aug. 30 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Taipei World Trade Centre Nangang Exhibition Hall 4F
Booth: M408
Taipei Int’l Industrial Automation Exhibition 2014: http://www.autotaiwan.com.tw/en/
Please do not hesitate to contact NSD for further questios and any inquiries of Position Sensing Application.
- NSD Japan: REX PARK (rexpark@nsdcorp.co.jp)